
These are the men and women who’ve inspired me, taught me and been a guiding light for my journey so far.

Inspirational Speakers

Inspirational Speakers

Speakers who have inspired me to speak and grow personally.

Dr John Demartini

Dr John Demartini

Speaker, Author, Motivator

Lifelong Learning

Dr John Demartini has been a wonderful influence on me as well. His recordings and speaking tours have been some of the best material for personal transformation I have found. He's inspirational in that his entire life has been devoted to the teaching of personal development. His teachings on personal values and relationships are illuminating.

John Hanby

John Hanby

Learnwise Online Tutoring

The Power of Story Telling

John Hanby. During lockdown (2020) John showed me the power of storytelling, on a personal level, that impacts rapport building, and concensus building. Through authors like John Steinbeck, John has shown me the power of writen and spoken words to chnage people and improve attitudes and self beliefs.

Mal Emery

Mal Emery

Streetsmart Marketing

Master of Direct Response Marketing

Mal Emery, a direct marketing guru, inspiration for all direct responce marketers and champions of business growth. Your workshops, masterminds and recordings changed the way I approached marketing.

Earl Nightingale

Earl Nightingale

Nightingale Conant

Father of the Motivation Industry

Earl Nightingale was an early instigator of the motivational speaking industry, and co founded the Nightingale Conant publishing house. Fortunately I got to meet him before he died.

Julie Arliss - Russel Nouveau

Julie Arliss

Academy Conferences, UK.

The Fathers of Philosophy

Julie Arliss is a relatively recent influence with her teachings on Aristotle, and Plato's Academy of ancient Greece. Their thinking methods remain relevant and powerful, and we can learn so much from these giants of philosophical enquiry.

Jim Rohn

Jim Rohn

Entrepreneur, Motivator & Speaker

The Fathers of Philosophy

Jim Rohn influenced me tremendously. Not for his oratory skills. Not as a role model, but for his collected wisdom and shared experiences. He taight me to keep a journal. To learn everyday. To be interested in diverse subjects, and to set goals in writing.


Zig Ziglar

Motivator & Speaker

How to get what you want...

Zig Zigler impressed me as a powerful speaker. His voice and energy on stage was messmerising, his wisdom timeless... and he was my favourite motivational speaker of all time.


Dr Robert Schuller

Minister, Author, Speaker, My Marriage Celebrant

The Me I See Is The Me I'll Be

Dr Robert Schuller taught me about self image pyschology. He inspired me for many years and I got to meet with him a couple of times, including having him perform my first marriage ceremony.


Tony Robbins

Author, Speaker, Motivator

Raise Your Energy

Tony Robbins is intense, and in seminar he knows how to raise our energy levels, our physiology and attitudies for doing better.

brain science authors

Brain Science Authors

I’m glad to have read some influential works that have shaped my progress and success.

Edward de Bono

Edward de Bono

Author & Thinking Innovator

PO beyond yes and no

Edward de Bono- followed his writings for many years at Queensland University, while studying Architecture.

Harry Lorayne

Harry Lorayne

Mental Skills and Success Orientation

Mental Mastery

Vintage Mental Mastery course from magician Harry Lorayne. The Mental Magnetism Course, my first mental development book read at age 12.


Silva Mind Control

Course to develop imagination and mental discipline.

19 Skills for Success

The Silva Mind Control Course was amazing. I did it several times, and marvelled at the extra powers our minds can deliver. They even trained us in remote healing.

Jeffrey and Lydia

Jeff Hodges

Sportsmind Author and Trainer

The Power of Visualisation

Jeff Hodges of Sportsmind, has taught me about self hypnosis, visualisation and self talk. Using NLP and other mental disciplines to rehearse successful behaviours.

Architects inventors and designers

Designers & Inventors

Architects, inventors, industrial and graphic designers of note.

Buckminster-Fuller-Geodesic Dome

Buckminster Fuller

Inventor of the Geodesic Dome, Philosopher, Designer, Cartographer and Scientist.

Designers Have A Responsibility to Humanity

Designers have a role to reverse the natural entropy of the universe. Our job is to deliver sustenance, energy and prosperity-ever more for ever less, and provide for 100% of humanity on this planet.

Mistakes are great- a Buckmister Fuller Quote
A Problem Adequately Stated- a Buckmister Fuller Quote
A Designer Is- a Buckmister Fuller Quote